Darwin Core Archive Publishing

The following downloads are occurrence data packages from collections that have chosen to publish their complete dataset as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) file. DwC-A files are a single compressed ZIP file that contains one to several data files along with a meta.xml document that describes the content. Archives published through this portal contain three comma separated (CSV) files containing occurrences, identifications (determinations), and image metadata. Fields within the occurrences.csv file are defined by the Darwin Core exchange standard. The identification and image files follow the DwC extensions for those data types.

Data Usage Policy:

Use of these datasets requires agreement with the terms and conditions in our Data Usage Policy. Locality details for rare, threatened, or sensitive records have been redacted from these data files. One must contact the collections directly to obtain access to sensitive locality data.
Code Collection Name Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) Metadata Pub Date
ALBC Albion College DwC-A (1.5M ) EML 2024-08-20
AMWH Amway Herbarium DwC-A (0.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
AUGIE Augustana College DwC-A (0.6M ) EML 2024-08-20
BUT Butler University, Friesner Herbarium DwC-A (11.2M ) EML 2024-08-20
CALVIN Calvin College DwC-A (1.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
CMC Central Michigan University Herbarium DwC-A (3.8M ) EML 2024-08-20
CHAS-Herb Chicago Academy of Sciences, Botany Collection DwC-A (2M ) EML 2024-08-20
CMNH-BOTANY Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Museum of Natural History DwC-A (0.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
EIU Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium DwC-A (11.7M ) EML 2024-08-20
EMC Eastern Michigan University Herbarium DwC-A (3.7M ) EML 2024-08-20
F-Botany Field Museum of Natural History DwC-A (57.6M ) EML 2024-08-20
GVSC Grand Valley State University DwC-A (0.9M ) EML 2024-08-20
HLSD Hillsdale College Herbarium DwC-A (0.7M ) EML 2024-08-20
HCHM Hope College DwC-A (1.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
HUNT Huntington University Herbarium DwC-A (0.9M ) EML 2024-08-20
IND Indiana University Herbarium, Deam Herbarium DwC-A (40.2M ) EML 2024-08-20
JEF Indiana University Southeast Herbarium DwC-A (1.8M ) EML 2024-08-20
KE Kent State University Herbarium DwC-A (6.4M ) EML 2024-08-20
LUC Loyola University Chicago Herbarium DwC-A (1.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
MU Miami University Turrell Herbarium - Vascular Plants DwC-A (9.4M ) EML 2024-08-20
MSC Michigan State University DwC-A (7M ) EML 2024-08-20
MOR Morton Arboretum DwC-A (35.6M ) EML 2024-08-20
MUSK Muskegon Community College Herbarium, Michigan DwC-A (0.3M ) EML 2024-08-20
DEK Northern Illinois University Herbarium DwC-A (3.5M ) EML 2024-08-20
NC Northland College DwC-A (0.6M ) EML 2024-08-20
OUHC Oakland University Herbarium Collection DwC-A (0.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
OS Ohio State University Herbarium DwC-A (6.8M ) EML 2024-08-20
BHO Ohio University, Bartley Herbarium DwC-A (0.9M ) EML 2024-08-20
PFBP-Observations Prairie Fen Biodiversity Project DwC-A (2.7M ) EML 2019-01-05
SENEY Seney National Wildlife Refuge DwC-A (0.2M ) EML 2024-08-20
CINC University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Vascular Plants DwC-A (3.7M ) EML 2024-08-20
MICH University of Michigan Herbarium DwC-A (195.8M ) EML 2024-08-20
MIN University of Minnesota Herbarium DwC-A (72.2M ) EML 2024-08-20
ND University of Notre Dame, Greene/Nieuwland Herbarium DwC-A (1.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
UWEC University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Herbarium DwC-A (1.1M ) EML 2024-08-20
UWGB-VP University of Wisconsin - Green Bay DwC-A (7.4M ) EML 2024-08-20
OSH University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Neil A. Harriman Herbarium DwC-A (0.4M ) EML 2024-08-20
UWW University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Herbarium DwC-A (1.6M ) EML 2024-08-20
UWL University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse DwC-A (2.7M ) EML 2024-08-20
UWM University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee DwC-A (1.7M ) EML 2024-08-20
UWSP University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium DwC-A (16.3M ) EML 2024-08-20
MWI Western Illinois University, ​R. M. Myers Herbarium DwC-A (8.5M ) EML 2024-08-20
WMU Western Michigan University DwC-A (0.7M ) EML 2024-08-20
Additional Data Sources within the Portal Network