Wisconsin Botanical Foray 2018
Includes taxa from following child checklists:
Mary Ann Feist
Locality: Burnett County, Wisconsin Abstract: In 2018 the Wisconsin State Herbarium held our first annual Wisconsin Botanical Foray in conjunction with the Botanical Club of Wisconsin! Our base camp was the outdoor education center at Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area (SWA) and we collected plants from Crex Meadows SWA, Fish Lake SWA, and Amsterdam Sloughs SWA. The purpose of a foray is to collect plants from an area that is botanically interesting and under-represented in an herbarium. Fourteen people, both amateur and professional botanists, participated and we collected 573 voucher specimens in duplicate in three days (8/10 - 8/12/2018). The list below contains these specimens as well as other plant vouchers collected in those areas in 2018.
Families: 86
Genera: 252
Species: 460
Total Taxa: 463
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Hlina, Paul S. 4724 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4692 [WIS], Marcum, Paul B.... 7439 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1579 [WIS], more...Paul S. Hlina... PSH-67 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7399 [WIS], ...less
Wetter, Mark Allen... 1547 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4504 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1547 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1547 [WIS], more...Hlina, Paul S. 4504 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1498 [WIS], ...less
Mary Ann Feist... 7449 [WIS], Marcum, Paul B.... 7453 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7407 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1509 [WIS], more...Hlina, Paul S. 4452 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7448 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1529 [WIS], Paul S. Hlina... PSH-13 [WIS], Paul S. Hlina... PSH-77 [WIS], ...less
Wetter, Mark Allen... 1581 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7434 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4691 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4743 [WIS], more...Wetter, Mark Allen... 1517 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7416 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4451 [WIS], Paul S. Hlina... PSH-63 [WIS], ...less
Mary Ann Feist... 7204 [WIS], Feist, Mary Ann... 7049 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4339 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7102 [WIS], more...Anderson, Derek S. 2749 [WIS], Marcum, Paul B.... 7389 [WIS], ...less
Hlina, Paul S. 4233 [WIS], Paul S. Hlina... PSH-26 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7427 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4375 [WIS], more...Mary Ann Feist... 7236 [WIS], Anderson, Derek S. 2753 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7179 [WIS], ...less
Feist, Mary Ann... 7044 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4335 [WIS], Anderson, Derek S. 2751 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7108 [WIS], more...Mary Ann Feist... 7098 [WIS], Feist, Mary Ann... 7045 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7468 [WIS], Paul S. Hlina... PSH-57 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4335 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1574 [WIS], ...less
Wetter, Mark Allen... 1546 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1508 [WIS], Marcum, Paul B.... 7436 [WIS], Paul S. Hlina... PSH-8 [WIS], more...Mary Ann Feist... 7419 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4620 [WIS], ...less
Feist, Mary Ann... 7207 [WIS], Wetter, Mark Allen... 1515 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4230 [WIS], Feist, Mary Ann... 7122 [WIS], more...Feist, Mary Ann... 7240 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4367 [WIS], ...less
Wetter, Mark Allen... 1484 [WIS], Paul S. Hlina... PSH-12 [WIS], Marcum, Paul B.... 7441 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7406 [WIS], more...Mary Ann Feist... 7248 [WIS], Mary Ann Feist... 7178 [WIS], Hlina, Paul S. 4449 [WIS], ...less